Questionnaire Two

After my poor experience with the Authentic Happiness Inventory survey, I chose the Gratitude Survey because I figured that quiz might be a bit more meaningful. It was very short, only 6 questions, and I scored very highly on gratitude. I’ll be honest, the questions weren’t super hard-hitting (more or less 6 slightly reworded versions of the same “Do you feel gratitude for things in your life?” question, but I still think it was decently useful. Though I scored highly (I am very grateful for all the opportunities and people in my life and happen to have been thinking about that a lot recently; I think that the Thanksgiving season has helped with that), I still think the survey served as a useful reminded to continue the practice of active gratitude. Gratitude is something that’s easy to forget to practice–it’s so easy to take for granted your friends, family, and all the opportunities and resources you have access to–but something as simple as a reminded to be grateful for those things can help you lead an exponentially more mindful and content life. Though I don’t think I learned anything significantly new about myself, I will make a concerted effort to continue my gratitude practice beyond the holiday season and encourage others to do the same.
