Letter to Self – Fall 2022

What do you want your December 2022 self to know?

Dear Future Sofia,

Well, Sofia, shockingly we are writing this after much procrastination, so December is not very far away. However, I think there’s still lots of room for growth and learning for us. By the time you are finished up with the work for this course, it will be almost time for you to take your finals. I know you are going to be quite stressed about it–you always put so much pressure on yourself to maintain a high GPA–but I hope you are able to fully grasp by that point that, as long as you put in your best effort, whatever happens happens, and everything will be ok. A couple of B’s here and there won’t kill you. I also hope you are able to re-find that work-life balance routine because I know, up ’til now, we haven’t been great about that.

Though we have a lot of work to do with regard to this course, I am excited to see what we learn and accomplish. I hope to get a better sense of the options out there for me with regard to my future career and hopefully feel more secure in (and less stressed about) my decision to pursue med school. I am especially excited to see what we learn from our alumni interviews, and I hope to ask about how to avoid burnout and maintain motivation and self confidence.

Overall, though perhaps taking on this extra course may have been a bit over-ambitious of me, I think it will be a great learning experience–both with regard to what I actually learn about my future and career path as well as my ability to get. things. done.

With love, a stressed November Sofia
